Reference: H040/543251
Pack of 4 Hemline Plain Wood Effect 2 Hole Sew Through Dish Buttons 20mm
Size: 20mm
Sirdar Elegant Small Bright Yellow Round Plastic Button 12mm 4 Pack 380
Pack of 4
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perfect for items of clothing and much more!
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Reference: H040/543251
Size: 20mm
Reference: 0294
Brand: Sirdar
Sirdar Elegant Black/Silver Decorative Round Plastic Button 22mm 2 Pack 29422mmPack of 2
Reference: G438529 9.
Brand: Trimits
Trimits 1 x Orange Fruit Button 18mm Shank Novelty Buttons
Reference: 0467
Brand: Sirdar
Sirdar Elegant Round Flat Matte Blue Button 38mm 1 Pack 46738mmPack of 1
Reference: 0623
Brand: Sirdar
Sirdar Elegant Plain Flat Basic Dark Purple Plastic Button 22mm 2 Pack 623Dark Purple22mm Pack of 2
Reference: 2B 1976
1 x 22mm Toggle Button Animal Tooth Look Coat Jacket
Reference: 2B 1958
Brand: ABC Buttons
ABC Buttons 1 x 21mm Bunny Rabbit Button Nylon Shank 34 Lignes
Reference: 248
Brand: Sirdar
Sirdar Elegant Curved Edge Shell Effect Sew Through Button 24812mmPack of 4
Reference: 0553
Brand: Sirdar
Sirdar Elegant Round Basic Plain Lime Green Button 16mm 3 Pack 55316mmPack of 3
Reference: 0397
Brand: Sirdar
Sirdar Elegant Round Plain Red Plastic Button 34mm 2 Pack 39734mmPack of 2
Reference: H040/112204
Size: 13.75mm
Reference: A0356
Sizes: 15mm 20mm 25mm
Reference: 15956 24 Q
Teddy Bear On Pink Shank Back Button Fastening 15mm WideButton Measures: 15mm/1.5cmG
Reference: 2B\1600
10 x Tiny Metallic Dish 9mm Acrylic Plastic Craft Buttons